Monday, 17 December 2012

[17/12/2012][PORT][CM9] Icy Snap LG 3.1 UI Version 2

Based off UNOFFICIAL CM9.1.x Builds by TheWhisp
Ported from LG P350
Icy Snap 1.3 Ocopussy version
LG 4x Style Revamped Lockscreen [needs resizing]
LG 3.1 User Interface Inspired Revamped
LG-white HOLO Themed pre-built User Interface
LG 3 Launcher from L5 (Widget and icons automatically moves and fits on screen, same as in JB )
L7 Full UI, Notification, Ringtones Enhancements
L7 Wallpapers, Fonts and Boot Animation
Fancy Framework LG UI cosmetics
Facny UI animations from Jelly Bean
Some Ported LG Apps From Optimus L7
BootSound support on ICS
System Optimizer Featuring ICy Tweaker
Improved LMK Mem and OOM grouping
Enabled linux SWAP for advance users, Expanded memory
Increase sd read/write and throughput
VM and Kernel management for Battery conservation and performance enhancement
Launcher totally resized to support LDPI
WP7 keyboard as it has more features
Miscellaneous UI and system improvement
Pre Configured ROM, YES you'll get MY settings AS DEFAULT
Working OMX HQ video playback
DSP Manager YES play music and press menu button select equalizer v1.0 ONLY
SRS and TRUBASS sound MOD play music and press menu button select equalizer ON v1+
Some Ported apps from L705 firmware
LG UI Holo Dark Including some pre apps, Not HOLO LIGHT UI, but Im working on it (halfway)
NO GAPPS Installed
Problems locating your current position? Flash Gapps
NO Theme.apk, This is a Patched ROM


to test if it works for you
type: "free" on terminal w/o quotation
and see if swap is == to your sd swap size, then it works for you
Built-in DATA to EXT Mod, very simple to use, no need for crappy apps to move you applications to sd ext

to activate data to ext:
type on terminal "su" w/o quotations hit enter
type "d2ext" and reboot




[DEV][JB] Unofficial CyanogenMod 10

Hello everyone, here i am representing you the continued work of team jellaxy for samsung galaxy mini, at the moment i am having problems in syncing sources So erikcas will be compiling for mini, and i will do the testing and bug fixing
Remember it is a continuation of previous thread : [DEV][ICS/JB] Unofficial CyanogenMod 9/10 , U all spammed the previous thread badly!! Try to avoid doing the same in this one..
Downloads are available in second post
Happy flashing

Based on Android Jellybean 4.1.2, so most of its features are present
OTA Updater

ONLY Native Wifi and USB Tethering does not work(Use another app from playstore)

Initial release
Youtube HQ works
Colourful camera
No more sound bugs
and many more things, so find yourself after exploring the rom

Download Link: Unofficial CM10_10-12-12


Youtube HQ patch included
Video Recording now works
Wifi more stable now
OTA upddater app now included(which means u can now update OTA from next release thanks to mweulink for the app )
Bluetooth permission problem also fixed now
All in all a very smooth and the most stable release for Mini for a long time, now we move to AOSP

Download Link: Unofficial CM10_15-12-12

AutoCAD 2010 Full Version

AutoCAD 2010 is a CAD computer software that allows you to draw 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional which has been developed by Autodesk. Autodesk AutoCAD 2010 is used by civil engineers, land developers, architects, mechanical engineers, interior designers and others. With AutoCAD 2010, your ideas can take shape with greater clarity and accuracy than ever before, thanks to the means of the new surfacemodeling and support the cloud point. New inferred limited ability to work with the parameters that make it easier, and updated productivity tools help you deliver the final design documentation faster than before.

AutoCAD 2010 Full Version x86/32-bit ISO l 580 MB

Part 01 Download AutoCAD 2010

Part 02 Download AutoCAD 2010

Free Download AutoCAD 2010 Keygen

Cara Install Windows 8 dari USB Flashdisk

Install Windows 8 Menggunakan USB Flashdisk, Berikut ini akan saya berikan cara Install Windows 8 menggunakan USB Flashdisk. Booting / Instalasi dari USB Flashdisk ini berfungsi jika anda seorang IT Support / Teknisi Komputer, Karena tidak semua Komputer / Laptop memiliki DVDROOM untuk melakukan instalasi windows 8 dari DVD Installer.
Anda harus memiliki USB Flashdisk 4GB atau lebih untuk memasukkan file installer windows 8 ke dalam flashdisk. Ada beberapa aplikasi yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat USB Flashdisk Installer, diantaranya : Magic ISO / Ultra ISO, dan Windows 7 USB/DVD Download tool.
Berbeda dengan versi sebelumnya, Windows 8 tidak membutuhkan banyak settingan selama instalasi.  Berikut ini kami berikan langkah-langkah instalasi windows 8 dari USB Flashdisk ;
1. Masukkan DVD Installer windows 8 ke dalam Optical Driver(DVDRoom) anda.
2. Lalu buatlah File ISO dari DVD windows 8 menggunakan aplikasi Magic ISO atau Ultra ISO.
3. Download aplikasi dari Microsoft yaitu : WINDOWS 7 USB/DVD DOWNLOAD TOOL
4. Download , Kemudian Install aplikasi tersebut hingga Finish.
5. Setelah selesai Instalasi finish maka buka software tersebut, maka akan ada tampilan seperti dibawah ini.

6. Pilih ISO file yang telah anda buat.
7. Selanjutnya anda akan ditanya apa ingin membuat “Windows 7 bcakup”, Pilih USB device.

8. Kemudian Pilih USB yang anda gunakan untuk instalasi.

9. Kemudian Pilih “begin copying”, namun jika flashdisk anda tidak cukup maka akan muncul “Not enough Free Space” ini menandakan bahwa Flashdisk anda tidak cukup dan harus ada file yang dihapus, atau klik “Erase USB Device” untuk menghapusnya.

10. Mulailah Install windows 8 pada komputer anda menggunakan pilihan Booting pertama yaitu USB Flashdisk
Sangat mudah bukan dan Selamat mencoba.

(Jual DVD Windows 8, 7 dan lain lain, Driver Packs 2012 and aplikasi)

Jual CD/DVD windows 8 dan Driver pack solution..

1 CD = Rp 15.000
2 CD = Rp. 25.000
1 DVD = Rp.30.000
2 DVD = Rp.50.000 (Windows 8+Driver Packs)
3 DVD = RP.70.000 (Windows 8+Driver Packs dan aplikasi )

Daftar OSnya DVD :
Windows 8 Pro
Windows 7 All In One
Windows Vista
Bactrack 5 Live CD

OS dengan CD :
Ubuntu (CD)

Driver :
Driver Pack Solution 2012 or 2011

Office :
Office 2013 (Office 15)
office 2010
office 2007
office 2003

Aplikasi :
Lengkap (Bisa Milih sesuai keinginan)

*Minat Hubungi : +6281912811775
atau Datang ke dekat SMPN 3 Banjar..

#Bisa DIkirim Lewat ZNE...

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Install .Net Framework 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 Offline Di Windows 8 Pro & enterprience

Sama halnya seperti Windows 8 Developer Preview, Windows 8 Consumer Preview, Windows 8 Enterprience dan Windows 8 Pro pun hanya memiliki .Net Framework versi 4. Sedangkan sob, banyak aplikasi sekarang yang masih bergantung pada .Net Framework versi 3.5. Trus gimana donk? Ya, mau gak mau sobat harus aktifkan/install fitur ini secara online. Trus gimana bagi yang gak punya koneksi internet, ato yang koneksi internetnya super lelet? Ada teman saya yang bilang, pakai .Net Framework 3.5 offline installer aja kan lebih gampang, download di warnet trus install deh dirumah.

Seandainya seperti itu sih enak..
tapi tenang saya mau berbagi kok cara instal offlinenya. Oke langsung disimak ya,

1. Masukkan DVD installer Windows 8 Consumer  sobat ke DVD drive, bagi yang punya ISO nya, silahkan di mount.

2. Buat folder baru di drive C, beri nama "net" (tanpa tanda petik). So, path nya jadi --> C:\net.

3. Cari folder "source" yang ada di DVD/ISO installer Windows 8  sobat. Udah dapet? Lanjut, cari lagi folder "sxs". (kalo dijabarkan <DVD drive>:\source\sxs\)

4. Nah, copy kan seluruh ISI folder "sxs" (sedikit info, isinya folder "sxs" ini berupa folder-folder yg namanya panjang-panjang), trus paste kan ke folder yang baru dibuat tadi (C:\net)

5. Buka C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe dan Run As Administrator

6. Ketikkan perintah berikut Dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /Source:c:\net /LimitAccess lalu tekan enter. Klik untuk memperbesar!

7. Trus tunggu sampai proses 100%

8. Kalo sudah, silahkan dicek deh di Program and Features, .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, dan 3.5 sudah aktif sob, ajaib ^_^.

9. Alhamdulillah, done.
Ternyata, emang gampang kok..
#Catatan kadang ada juga yang gagal..
tapi 95% berjalan..

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Hack Facebook Mujarab

Klik link diatas..
Liat Video Tutorialnya atau ikuti step by stepnya..